La Musique

Thursday, July 24, 2008


long post coming up soon...

7:55 AM

Monday, July 21, 2008

discipline.. is about paying attention to the small decisions.

its a consistant effort. usually its the small "insignificant" decisions that makes a huge difference..

:) got to be discipline! :D

6:20 PM

Friday, July 18, 2008


yes, got to learn one thing, to put aside all that doesn't matter aside and really run towards the goal (: then all those things will be added unto me. (:

9:45 PM

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

back on track!

yepz, back on track! :)

anyway, i'll post about bintan once i get the photos from vann and gab. :D

5:28 AM

Sunday, July 13, 2008

back from bintan

MORE DETAILS coming up! superbbb trip!

10:55 PM

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

knowing by faith that the future holds great things, but afraid of what's about to come.

God will make a way, when there seems to be no way.

hope i'll be able to talk with lisa once again. this is the second time le..

12:36 AM

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

2 more hours til they come back... yes!!

giving You all of me in exchange for all of You.

8:38 PM

once again. b4 anyone woke up, i already ran 16 km, up and down hillS. lots of hills heh. its an army run, so its quite massive, 2000 over people. den after that the entire unit took off, except me. so here i am.. tired, left leg i think i may have torn a bit of the muscles feeling the pain..

it rained before and after that. so shoe wet + having runny nose. zZz.

haha, friday going to bintan. lol. gonna be fun! :D

yes deb, better le. thanks.

the joy of intimacy is the reward of commitment - i kissed dating goodbye

currently reaading that book. its really wow, just read the first 2 chapters and it changed the way i look at my relationships with people. :D will continue to read once i wake up. :) "nights"

1:29 PM

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Eagle or Penguin?

will you rather be an eagle that thinks he can't fly or a penguin which thinks he can?

i always felt that i wanna be a penguin that thinks he can, cuz hope and i'll continue to strive towards that.

but recently i went to watch hancock and that movie, though meaningless, thot me to think otherwise.

i wanna be an eagle which thinks he can't, because that's how all eagles start out, don't they? then they watch other eagles fly, or pushed by circumstances, and they start to fly.

or i may be an eagle which thinks he can't fly, but driven by passion, not knowledge, keep trying and trying until one day i actually fly (:

hmm, but there's no correct answer to this question. its just a matter on how you look at life (:

Isaiah 40:31
but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

4:28 PM

been real busy. since book in, didn't really get a chance to use the internet..

i m starting to miss yuling le. as a friend, of cuz. anyway, watched hancock with gerald. funny show, but felt it was quite meaningless, and ultimately i'll forget the movie.

also read finish harry potter's last book. boringg.. yay to free speach. to me it was really boringg..

nothing much happened recently, just sent yuling off on wednesday.. took lots of photos (:

haha, anyway, me planning go ballroom dance with lisa :D she'll be my partner :) gonna be fun, though difficult times may come, i'll stick on :) haha. a few people know le, but there's a bigger goal. yes we'll be able to achieve it! (: Blackpool, England :)

1:32 PM

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

sat went support lisa for her dance :D

sun expo service, den rush to jw to meet jon. talked with jon and on the way home fell sick. sian
night time book in sick, so didn't ride bike

monday nothing much. more runs.

today at home. still sick zZz, but believing for healing. got to seek God's presence more and pray more. felt something spoke to me today. about relationships and commitment. the 4 Cs in any relationship - chemistry, character, compatibility and commitment. i need to be more committed to God, yepzz..

nothing much to blog, also no mood now that i'm sick. good nite, sleeping le byebye

8:36 PM