Tuesday, September 30, 2008
here you go wendy! =)
just watch sex and the city. wow. haha it was gud. =) was about relationships heh. and a bit about how women interact/react and stuff. haha. =)
9:43 PM
Sunday, September 28, 2008
yo!yeap its my birthdaythanks guys for celebrating it with me. you noe who you are. pei en, wendy, vann, marilyn, wei xiong, charles. thanks val and wendy and prash and anxian and charles and zoe and vann for wishing me happy birthday today! thanks E441 for celebrating my birthday with me, and for "pei"ing me to go to indian fast food and eat indie :)this year's birthday been the best birthday i ever had so far. going out with that close group of friends, and with my cg, and going to go out with my family soon. i've never had so many people to celebrate my birthday with before. :) am blessed by you guys. =D thanks for the shirt, vest and belt and card! :) i'll remember this birthday by it for as long as my memory lives. =Dbut the best blessings so far is by God. indeed His gift for me no one can or will ever take away. that is the knowledge of His love for me. for eternity. forever, even after i die. i know His love will still be with me and in my life. even after i die. and i won't wait til i die, i'm gonna celebrate and live my life in His love now :) this knowledge is indeed the best gift ever =)love,victor
5:35 PM
Saturday, September 20, 2008
what about now?
Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth
proverbs 27:1
10:14 PM
i keep losing at monopoly. but i'll win one day. just now was playing monopoly with the other duty personnel. and did i win? no! haiz. will win one day man
haha. anyone wanna play chess with me? :) board games? bored games? settlers, let's go! :D
10:05 PM
i kow its been a long time since i last blog, so here goes nothing.
stuck in camp again. doing duty.
ytd manage to book out only at 7 45 pm, went to indian hawker centre with wendy, went to olio before heading back to camp.
last week sunday had to book in. guard duty. last week didn't manage to go service at all. had to meet cousins from malaysia for dinner on saturday. this week been a long week. thursday wanted to get a half day off, in the end only night's out. so had to rush back to camp after WoL. Glad i attended. talked about creativity, and how i can apply creativity to the environment i'm in. its simple, just a simple shift of mental perception. :)
buang on wednesday. minor motorbike accident. injured my knee, but i'm ok now. :)
started with memorising scriptures. :) love Daddy God. :) so happy. was emo on tuesday but went to a corner of NTU to realy seek God and now i'm better than ever :) got to really pray, seek and fast for the kingdom of God :)
had headache. took panadol and rested. now better le. :) going for dinner. "da pao". don't really like. but bo bian.
4:21 PM
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
New Zealand!!!!
cathedral's square. beautiful! :D @ Christchurch
Their tramp service going thru the "village"
chess sets available for use. this really amaze me, somehow :)
cute toilet sign
morning flight on the way to NZ
sunrise at the terminal in Sydney!
in NZ. the first ICE sign i see. hey i'm not the only one. the rest were also busy taking pics with the sign.
shocked with the open space of NZ. never seen before lol.
K-mart! yuling was telling me about it and about how she got her stuff from there so i just had to visit there! :D
Wendy's ice cream!
yeap, was fun in NZ. haha. recently been busy. but i really need to get back to what's really important in life. :D thanks Terence for the feedback on a deeper issue in my life. really, what am i gonna do without you.
10:33 PM