Tuesday, December 30, 2008
been a hectic week. summary. here goes.
23rd. work. vanessa's christmas party at her house. lots of fun! =)) quality time spent with them, playing games and eating potluck food. hmm. 1000 island on choc chicken? bleah! xP
24th. christmas eve. snow city. candlelight service. loves one particular photo that was taken. =)
25th. christmas! what's more appropriate than to go to church? brought mum to church. she responded PTL! =)) happy. went fellowship with francis vanessa liujing yuling. loves. enjoyed the fellowship. went home for dinner. =)
26th boo! spent whole day planning + preparing for buddy peien's birthday. haha. shopping! reached novena super early. waited for yuling and vanessa. searched and reserved the cake. 2230 took cake out of fridge. decorate the cake. look at facebook for photo. met up with her cg people, weizhe, samuel, val, huihui, charles, leo. thanks for coming! appreciate it lots!! =)) love peien @ 0005. 5 minutes late. hmmm vanessa our plan didn't go out as well, did it? had to drag her down hahaha and that constitutes the 5 minutes. k fine, not drag, but persuade. was fun! =) celebrated. wasted half of the cake with foodfight. was fun though, and worth it. next time i learn, i'll get a cake twice the size, so that half can be used for foodfight. after that, stayed over at vanessa's house. kinda late. next day, went home. sleeepp.
27th. suppose to meet lewis for lunch, overslept. suppose to meet cg @ 3. overslept. in the end woke up at 4 30 rush down. Dr kong interview with Sun. loves. went out steamboat with buddies vanessa and peien. loves! ate. surprised peien with cg celebration. didn't see that coming, did you? hahaha. bought yogurt. 3 shared. went home. FUN! loves.
28th. service in morning. almost couldn't wake up. nearly overslept. left bike in expo. after service. went down to visit vanessa. went home after that. had afternoon nap, had time to myself. rest recooperate. dinner@home.
29th. work. usher outing. was fun, but rush. wish could spend the night there, but next day got work. loves. reached home 2330. slept.
today. work. went recruit express with yuling. read about love language, and discuss with her about love language. glad she wants to read the book too. its not just 5 love language by gary chapman. its 5 love language FOR SINGLES! yay! nice to read. stuck to it after reading the first few pages. nice book. really determined to do a few things. express love in other ways other than words. =)) and also, find out about other people's love language and express it in a way that they will feel most loved =)
tmr. half day. last day of work. zZz. meeting kenneth (Army) to set Goals. den going home to pick stuff up, den going to meet peien, den buddy vanessa's house for stayover! =D HAPPY NEW YEAR. loves. can't wait for 2009. greater things ya? =)
9:52 PM
Monday, December 22, 2008
yesterday was the Christmas party for cg.. woke up at 8am. finally being able to wake up late after one entire week of early wake-ups is just awesome. but i fell sick. down with a flu. and it got worse through the day..
i went Vivocity to meet up with Vanessa, pei en and liujing. sorry liujing for hitting you with my bag. i really didn't mean it. anyway, didn't see much of you on that day cuz you were also rushing here and there for your Christmas drama =)) gonna be awsome!
together with vanessa and pei en, we went to buy some gifts and utensils for the party itself. haiz those two ar.. lovey dovey.. haha. no, they're straight. and single. loll.. my nose got worse. dripping uncontrollably.
pei en went home while vanessa and me went down to her place to prepare for the Christmas party. or rather we went down to her place and she prepared for the Christmas party. haha, i was so sick i just slept on her couch like Garfield and woke up at 6:30pm was like omgosh. haha. and after waking up, i still felt very sick, did what i could. her mum gave me medicine, which was awesome. it didn't work for the first few hours.. and after it worked, i got drowsy. hahaha. didn't help much in the running of the event, but it definitely made me feel better..
anyway, nice curry chicken jon, and thanks vanessa for the log cake.. =) fried rice by lisa was awesome, and the beef dish by kenneth was great! not forgetting, of course, our dear yong cheun, who cooked 9 dishes for us (i think it was less, but it felt like 9).. =)) was great man! overall, the food part, i think we did a good job, besides the timing part. people really enjoyed the food (except the soup. which required an acquired taste a.k.a not suitable for us).. =))
and one purpose of this event was met! we really got to know more people and really socialize and network among our lovely guests =) i think that really went well! good job guys! indeed at the end of the day, its the relationship that counts. events come and go but relationships lasts! =) really enjoyed myself. especially the last part, photo taking =)) all photos are with gab so must wait for him to send den can upload =)
today after work went down to ntuc. which fruit cocktail to choose? in the end got the middle range one. wanted to buy the 3 dollar per can one but too ex le! hahaha. ended up buying sparkling grape juice too! hahaha.. but all within budget so its all right. at the end of the day, its more worth it this way. haha.
when i was on my way to ntuc yuling asked me what i want! hahaha. =)) yayyss!! christmas presents! ain't expecting any this year cuz i'm not getting any... got no budget for it.. somemore getting retrench. anyway, thanks! confirm i'll bless you guys in some other ways some other time =DD confirm! and vanessa also said she got present for me!!! happpy!! =)))) hahaha.. feel so blessed to have friends, close ones =)) loves! sorry for not being able to get presents for you guys this year.. however, to me the season of giving is not in a month or a day, but its throughout the year!! =)) gifts are good, but surprise gifts are great! =))
can't wait for tmr to end. looong break finally! =)) MERRY CHRISTMAS!
8:36 PM
Sunday, December 21, 2008
New Blogskin! =)
haha. don't you just love my new blogskin? =) tag on my tagboard and comment about it ya? i love it to bits!
anyways, time to blog =D
so sorry for not blogging for the past week. was really busy with stuff and slept really late. last nite i was even dozing off in front of my com!
let's see what happened during the week:
Went for service to serve in usher. was a breakthrough day for me. i was given a role to be overall in charge of the ushers in the zone, of cuz not with the comset, but by my usher leader. its an unofficial appointment =D yea, so though its only 3 zones, it was a breakthrough cuz i've never done such a thing before. haha was fun! =) anyway, all the zone ushers were in my team/my friends =D very fun to work with de. especially kenneth. he really brings energy into my sunday mornings.
went to meet zhinian after that for a deep talk. she really share from deep inside her and i could feel for her. =) zhinian i understand how you felt about certain things and i'm glad that its over and you've made a decision. decision->discipline->determination. its a start to a great destiny ahead. ended up reaching home at 10 pm with my dinner cold on the table. haha and the next day i still have got work. oh my tian... but its worth the sacrifice.
Went down to recruit express after work to submit my timesheet. on my way home, found out my bro fainted in camp and hit his head. thank God he's all right now. but at that time, i just wanted to rush down to the hospital to see how he is. but i didn't know which hospital he was in. frantically called up people to find out but they dun noe.. but he's back at home the next day, so everything's all right =)
After work. Went down to church for some leader's prayer meeting. =)) vanessa and francis too. first time justin invited me to attend. usually is i'll ask him if i can attend de. i really wanna know what's in the flow of the church and really come and pray for the church. was really good, pastor shared a lot about what to look for and pray for for the upcoming year. =)
pei en came back on this day too. by right i was suppose to fetch her, but suddenly justin sms-ed me about this prayer meeting, and yeap, i weigh the decisions and found that there were bigger things happening than we can see. I expanded my mindset to a whole new level where i begin to see it in the bigger things perspectives. =) where some things of life may seem big to us, but in our life, its actually quite small. On Giant's shoulder, ya? =) anyway, pei en glad that you're back. =))
Went down to bible study after work. was good larr.. talking about the laying of hands. power, reverance. don't mess with it man. haha. met up with vanessa for dinner. 10 minutes dinner, den rush down to bible study haha. stephens didn't bring his bible and book cuz he didn't know there was BS until last minute, so i asked vanessa to bring a bible for him =) thanks vanessa. you're the best! had a good fellowship at long john with rongrong's cg.. valerie chua! and erwin! anyhow talk only arrr....... haha but was fun =D of cuz, samuel, really friendly and outgoing, and huihui and pei en. haha talked about love language, and got to know each other's love language =D hahahha.
Family day! after work. i realised the entire week i didn't spend time with family, so i purposely set aside time for my family on this day. was pretty amazing. installed my printer driver onto my com as well as cleared up the CDs in my room. found quite a lot of interesting CDs hmmm.. anywayz. was a good time spent with family lo. hahaha.
went down after work to help Jon and Vanessa with the decorations. at first was suppose to meet Marilyn but den vanessa said that she meeting marilyn on monday, so ok lo, just join her on monday. but end up marilyn not working on monday.. anyway, haha. i think we didn't help much in the deco, i spent most of my time trying to cut out snowflakes which look really like ski mask. went home after that was really tired. but my mum came and talked to me heart to heart talk. shared with her my beliefs and she was impacted by it. wow huh. she's coming to my church christmas service on the 24th Dec. anyone wanna come? do let me know okie =) its gonna be really AWEsome!
talked to pei en also. late at nite. was crazy, also another heart to heart talk. =) shared the burdens of our hearts. greater things have yet to come eh? =)) believing with you for greater things as well as greater friends =)
morning til afternoon went to yuling house to teach yuling and zhinian violin. haha. was fun, haha thanks for teaching me to play the titanic zhinian. she got a perfect pitch, so any song i give her, i believe she's able to hum the tune out for me, and with that i can play it on my violin =) yuling was great too, she helpped me to teach her, though her violin background very limited, but she has been in music CCAs for since primary school le. so she's a great help to me =)
after that went down to expo early to book seats as well as to sleep. haha dun blame us we slept at 3 plus the night/morning before. =) yuling had to go early anyway to serve in choir. 4 o'clock we went in to queue. haha. 4 30 doors open. we ended up having to book seats for the whole zone, den rongrong got seats for 2 cellgroups i think, but anyway, left 3 cell groups with us at the back there. haha was fun to book for the whole zone. was a mad rush. was crazy. good that we didn't give the usher a miscount of the seats, else the usher will have to fill up and its not very nice. =) was super fun queuing with melina and zhinian =) haha i will never forget how zhinian will take out her handsfree set so that she can coordinate with her cell group haha. and melina, she's being used greatly by her cell group. i believe that she is one that will rise up through serving. =)
candlelight service was beautiful. one of the rare moments where cameras and photo taking is like, allowed, in the church =) it was beautiful =D awesome. and there's something more. gabriel, who was sitting beside me, appreciated me for being in the cell group! i just felt, wow, really loved by him =) oh kenneth came for the service too, and i hope he enjoyed himself. hope he'll come today for the cell group dinner =)
after service we went down to suntec to eat dinner. hahaha choose restaurant. haha actually wanted to go to soupdelicious (i think that's how it's spelt), but ended up going to food court. =) haha. was great. cell group fund. thanks gabriel for watching out for my finances. really glad you were there =) to give sound advice to me. really, your thots towards me means a lot to me. =)
we went MOF after that. i had an ice cream thingy i dunno what it's called, but i attempted to sound japanese when i ordered, and gab ask, you speak jap? hahaha. was fun there... hahaha koonpo arr.. the NTU lake? gunfires at nite? hahaha. and francis with his usually unusual humour. =D jon and yong cheun was there too! had a good talk with jon on the way to the mrt station, and yong cheun went to carrefour after MOF to get food for tmr. can see his passion for food, really overflowing in this potluck =)) just to let you noe, my dad already bought the chicken and ready to help me with the potluck, but i felt it not really nice to ask my dad to help cuz i'm only allocating an hour to cook, and he have to prepare and stuff without me being there, and its my potluck. so decided not to lo. and who can ever forget the two kenneth tan... =)) the two extreme man. one has long brown hair, the other really short hair. hahaha. and was really interesting. kenneth is going into NTU aerospace next year, same as huifen. =) maybe can get some advice from her =D
i went down to tampines to get my bike after that. had a great talk with liujing about the vision and goal for 2009 and how we want to shape our 2009 around, the central theme for 2009. =) haha yuling you look great today! no not saying that just to say, but seriously. you look good =)
haha. so there you have it. my week in a nutshell =)
not so much of a cam-warrior(for those not so sharp ones. whore-er. get it?) haha only 5 pics k? =D
hmm.. who says you dun look nice when you smile zhinian? =)

now see? =D

buddies! vann, jon and me!

niceee!! don't you think we all look pretty and handsome in here?

man.... i've got nothing to say. lol!

9:32 AM
Saturday, December 13, 2008
ok! wanted to blog yesterday when suddenly someone called me. haha. in the end couldn't so ended up just typing that..
wanna say how grateful i am for people who are willing to stand up for me. strangers too! wow. =D Mrs Hendrite, from India, from my workplace. she really really stood up for me in the bus and help me "ding" when the bus uncle just kept hailing vulgarities at me! rawr!! thanks a lot! today finally got a chance to take the same bus with her again. we talked a lot! she has a masters in computing, and is also giving tuition. whoa i've got lots to learn from her man.. she gave me a few advises and really blessed me =D nice lady.
started teaching zhinian violin. and she's the best student i ever had. really teachable and humble and eager to learn. she really made my days. yeap, not just one day, but a few days. haha. my primary love language, she spoke it so well =)) and that made her appreciation really clear to me. =))
today my com was formatted! yay! no more virus! stupid virus, keep coming interfering with my com. i'm gonna keep my com virus free! =D
i just did a full scan on my com. no more virus after formatting. YAY! while scanning, i played the violin. and fell in love head over heels with it once again. its like, omgosh 1 hour passed so fast! i thot it was only a while, but well when you're in love hours seems like minutes. haha. loves! =D though i do not play well, i still like playing, and i will get better and better =) already first time playing in such a long time and i see myself improving by the minute. haha. happy =D
let's talk about sunday. 7th dec. we went out. hahaha. everyone was late. late meaning, not there at the appointed time. including myself ok. so in the end.. haha. but the movie timing was at 2 50 and we were suppose to meet at 1 for lunch. so yuling and me met first. den liujing came. haha. den jon and sis came. and den this is the funn part. damian and vanessa wanted to eat at home, but i missed them and really wanted to spend time with them, so i msg them ask them to come out lei. in the end they join us for lunch! yay! =) go watch bolt. its sweet and nice! =) anyway, had a good time at yamaha after that, really got to know a bit more about jon's sister =) she's really sweet. =) vanessa why never take pictures. so weird. usually she'll pop out her camera and say, take picture! but that day she didn't.. hmm wonder why. must be because of the specs? anyway, really enjoyed myself, hope you guys enjoyed it too!
packing room status - 5/7 done! only left the bags and cds to clear and touching up and we're done! =)) happy. slow but steady =D
12:16 AM
Thursday, December 11, 2008
i miss all my friends overseas. i really do. why do the friends who go overseas has to be those closer to me? why?!?!
joelle, pei en, zec and ezekiel.. hmm..
10:42 PM
Friday, December 5, 2008
...and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him. 1 John 4:16
This morning had a mini argument about the small stuff e.g. breakfast, pimple cream etc.. hmm but at the end of it ended with a hug and loves =D)
also, fell asleep waiting for my company bus. in the end almost missed it. if i slept for 2 minutes more, i probably missed it le. haha..
need to cut hair. super long.
lovess!! =) byebye wendy. i will miss you. skype me! =)
11:26 PM
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
today.. another day at work. i felt so dry. its cuz of what i did. sadd.. disappointed.butt!! haha. had a turning point in work. suddenly in the afternoon. i told myself. why am i so down and quiet. so i began to smile. and my countenance changed. i began to talk more, and began to be happy! =) that's the secret. it doesn't start with feeling happy den showing it. it starts with a smile, den feeling happy. feelings are a choice. =) choose life!got to walk the path of purity. =) i'm gonna stay in the Spirit, cheerful and full of energy. gonna pray my spirit-man up.anyways! tmr's my parent's anniversary!! =)) yayness.. going to 30 years le! and happily married. my dad's great! my mum's happy! i'm happy too. after what we've been through, this is indeed a miracle. celebrated today. =) dad's home-made chicken was superb. and my mum's just as happy as ever =D loves!Jer 29:13And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.This is so true to me =) seeing what've been going on. =) yet God didn't leave me nor forsake me. i need more of Him. =)
8:33 PM
Monday, December 1, 2008
i feel so much better now. really have got to thank God =)this morning talked about that same issue again. at about 5 30 in the morning talk until 6, den i had to leave for work. left the house with tears in my heart. prayed to God, sang worship, and was touched. den i realise. i can't change my circumstances, i can only change what i do. so i decided to practise now until i reached the previous std, and den go for classes. by then i shld be able to afford my own classes. i hope. i message them my plan but they didn't reply. but i'm going to do that in the end. actually my mum volunteered to give me money, but they retiring soon so i've got no heart to receive from them. so i'm gonna work hard and achieve my dream. really thank God for the turning point this morning.another thing to thank God for. i manage to follow my budget for this month. haha i know. only one day. but its an achievement. i'm believing for a turning point in my finances. haha look how detailed my budgeting is, that i planned how much i'm going to spend on what for every single individual day of this month. and patience, discipline will take me through.really, i was going through valleys in terms of my finances. cuz i felt really hopeless and desperate to get out of debt. really going through the valley. felt like it was never going to end. and on top of that, the violin thing. then last nite and this morning, God poured His love onto me. felt that everything was going to be all right. and that what made me see. whoa, indeed God is good to me =D that He comforts me in my darkest times. and cuz of that, i had these ideas. 1. to plan my budget in the day of the month rather than a month overview thing. and 2. the violin thing. indeed, insanity is doing the same thing and hoping for a different result. you wan different result, you've got to do different thing. and this is what i'm doing. details determine destiny. i'm going in for the details. =D Thank God for comforting me, at the right time, in the right way. =DPsalms 23:4Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
8:31 PM