Saturday, February 28, 2009
My dream car

presenting... my dream car!
New Beetle Convertiblesuper cool, in this colour =) bright and happy and cheerful. haha wanna drive one of this..
thursday went for adult meeting. was great! a lot of practical questions about the supernatural was raised. i am sure glad that i went.. =)
haha. i like leo's question about how Jesus fasted for 40 days.. =) was a good question.. and good answer by bro darren too. that cuz He had a supernatural call from God to do that, that's why when He decided to do it, God gave Him supernatural endurance..
one thing that impacted me most. power of God, is it real in your life? =) i wanna be a true witness for God. let His power come and change my life 180 degrees.
10:11 AM
Friday, February 27, 2009
i finally understand what justin meant when he said.
there are 3 type of people in this world.
some people are willing to die for something.
some people are looking for something to die for.
and some just don't care, just drifting emotionlessly (apathetic).
which do you fall under?
10:40 PM
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
whoa i really learnt a lot from the single plus course.
the first lesson. its not about relationship, but about self awareness.. super cool =)
talked about renewal of the mind. Jeremy, a ZS, emphasizes on this. after all, its the inside that has to be changed first, rather than the outside. =)
one thing that impacted me the most is this:
"Part of renewing of the mind has to do with visualization!
without a vision, the people perish!"
wow. isn't it amazing. you know, as a Christian, i always thought renewing of the mind is setting my mindset in accordance to the word of God.. i didn't see it this way. wow.. ok! i got to set my vision right!
if i can see it, i can have it.if i can say it, i can have it.another thing that impacted me was,
Wrong beliefs cannot be removed. they can only be replaced. so amazing! i knew this, but didn't really see it this way, as in, didn't really proactively go and replace those wrong beliefs! i'm so gonna fish out all the wrong beliefs in me and replace them with good beliefs. and the
new beliefs, must come with an image, its not just do you think?
ans: by talking to yourself. now you're probably asking yourself "ya, how do i think?"
see. you think by talking, asking questions to yourself. got to watch what i say to myself, ya? =) a reflection of the wrong beliefs to be replaced. whoa really learnt a lot. tmr morning I'm going to wake up early to revise what i learnt today! =))
so glad i signed up for it.
11:48 PM very own hand-written bible by chc! cool. always wanted to do that for myself. loll..
1:04 AM
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
i'm learning how to let go..
i'm also learning how to hold on..
ironic? no. its the focus in my life.
so much things happened. i'm learning to let go of my bonnie, learning to hold on to what is really important to me right now. ;) hope you get what i mean.
insecurity will naturally come with separation. we should not fear insecurities. but to overcome them. we are not called to live by fear, but by faith. i believe. let's do this right.
1:23 AM
Monday, February 23, 2009
The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons best show i've watched so far. its really good. not for those action lovers, but more for the story line, the drama, the meaning and most of all, the enjoyment factor. every movie is like that, its either you have it or you don't. this one certainly has what it takes to capture my heart! love it, though not recommended for those who fall asleep while watching A Beautiful Mind, or the Pianist. =)
watched it on V day eve. and tmr probably going to watch again. haiz. my station there the problem is not fixed yet. still doing the same thing again. but really thank God for the job. love it a lot. =) i learnt how to fold paper swan today!!! hahahha. ask me, i'll teach! =)
something big is coming my way. i can feel it, and he doesn't like it. =)) and he can't do anything against it! =)
12:09 AM
Sunday, February 22, 2009
the teacher becomes the student of his own lesson. =)
12:40 AM
Saturday, February 21, 2009

my to-do list.
haha totally ruin.
wendy's in JB,
ZN wanna read the book, so ok,
timesheet is like, i don't know how to fill it up, so i'll be meeting her(recruit agency) to ask her to give me advice on filling up.
NUS the health website is down, so can't book a slot for the NUS health check..
out of the seven items, only 2 things i can do. oh well.. =(
10:39 AM
Friday, February 20, 2009
really don't know what to post. hahaha.
let's get some inspiration..
vanessa blogged about her talent inc. thing..
oh singles plus is starting this wednesday, and its like omgosh so soon! =D can't wait to see what's installed.. haha bringing out the "'X' factor" in me ;) as advertised. =)) and grooming, and basically how to be a gentleman/lady ;) can't wait lalala. just in time for me to go uni lol..
yuling blogged about flying to australia..
yes, i'll miss you! dark ok what. i think you are ok with dark skin. look at wendy! =)
zoe about official..
hmm, i wonder if there's a double meaning to it hmm..
valerie about yuling flying off and birthday..
haha blogged about that just now..
zhinian blogged about her shoes and skype and a book and ....
haha. i'm also reading a book. its called battlefield of the mind. from charles, wenloong, royston. when i first entered ns they gave me the book, i didn't touch it until now lol. so sorry guys ;)
skype is like that de, have got to get used to it. heehee.
my shoes is peien bought from taiwan and gave it to me, and i stil love it to bits! =)
junius blogged about reality=sum of your experience
haha. one equation i learnt from adam khoo.. that is
Event +
Respond =
ok for the rest of the blog like maria and marilyn, i won't go so much into cuz i've to stop somewhere =) love love, byebye.
my bonnie lies over the ocean,
my bonnie lies over the sea,
my bonnie lies over the ocean,
so bring back my bonnie to me.
bring back, o bring back,
o bring back my bonnie to me, to me.
bring back, o bring back,
o bring back my bonnie to me.
10:55 PM
Thursday, February 19, 2009
thanks yuling for your v day gift. i love it lots! =)) esp the message.
this is something that i did last year. good to share with all =D a reminder.
Value of Loyalty : “You shall have no other gods before Me.”
Value of Commitment : “You shall not make for yourself a carved image...”
Value of Respect : “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain..”
Value of Accountability : “Remember the Sabbath” - connectedness
Value of Family : “Honor your father and your mother..”
Value of Love : “You shall not murder.”
Value of Faithfulness : “You shall not commit adultery.”
Value of Hard work : “You shall not steal.”
Value of Integrity : “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”
Value of Generiosity : “You shall not covet...”
Value of having V.A.L.U.E.S:
Lead -> my compass
Establish -> my foundation
Standard -> my ruler
*Necessary for long term growth
**Matt 6:33 “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”
11:33 PM
Monday, February 16, 2009
had a long long talk with leo just now at ya kun.
seems we can talk til the cow come home..
things are going to happen man. hahahaha.
MAN! =)
oh oh, their kaya toast simply rocks! =)
TMR is choir practise!! can't wait!! my dream come true. you won't believe how long i've been dreaming for a day like this =D
and this is how a fret on the guitar looks like =D today is a very random blogpost..
11:30 PM
Sunday, February 15, 2009
haha.. thanks to
vanessa for something to blog.. else i won't know what to blog hahaha.
happy v day everybody. as you know, this day is a day of giving and receiving. and i realise something. that sometimes
the best gift you can give someone is usually the one you can't buy with money, or is usually very cheap. why? cuz its precious. and money can't buy you love. here are some of the things that i received, though they may be cheap, but i love them to bits cuz its the person who gave it. and that they thought of me even during this season =)

from mum. my number one supporter =) so sweet right. i know.

from wendy! BUDDY! haha. ok, but apart from that, she always somehow is able to inspire me. about certain things. she speaks with clarity and truth, and i like that =) u go girl.
yes, iServed in AC 2008. just for the records. hahaha..
and a brownie from valerie chan. sorry i ate it so no photos.. but she's the sweetest girl i've ever met.
hahaha =) to all, all attached le. somehow only attached people gave me presents this v day.. i wonder why...
oh ya, still got vanessa and pei en with their sweets. thanks sweeties.. hahaha. ok apart from the pun, thanks for being there for me throughout all the time. =)
love is in the air.
happy v day!!
To all who are facing oppression, who are facing trials and difficulties, who do not know where to turn to, who feels emo, who are lonely, who wants to scream and shout, who is tired of living up to people's expectation, this song is for you.
its not easy being you, definitely. but you know what? we stand strong together. we identify, we commune together, we stick together yo. and nothing's gonna bring us down. i love all my super friends. its not easy being me as well. but i'm glad you were always there with me. you're all superheros in my eyes. =) and i love you guys lots!!
Five for Fighting - SupermanI can’t stand to fly
I’m not that naive
I’m just out to find
The better part of me
I’m more than a bird…I’m more than a plane
I'm more than some pretty face beside a train
It’s not easy to be me.
I wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
About a home I’ll never see
It may sound absurd…but don’t be naive
Even heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed…but won’t you concede
Even heroes have the right to dream
And it’s not easy to be me.
Up, up and away…away from me
Well it’s all right…You can all sleep sound tonight
I’m not crazy…or anything…
I can’t stand to fly
I’m not that naive
Men weren’t meant to ride
With clouds between their knees
I’m only a man in a silly red sheet
Digging for kryptonite on this one way street
Only a man in a funny red sheet
Looking for special things inside of me
inside of me
I’m only a man in a funny red sheet
I’m only a man looking for a dream
I’m only a man in a funny red sheet
It’s not easy ...
It’s not easy to be.. me...
9:59 PM
ok i just did something crazy and new just only. a crazy confession to myself. and justin. and zoe. but its the truth, and really personal. and it feels good. i feel more freed up. more able to move in the Spirit. haha. whoa somehow really in the flow..
i'm glad that i'm in the flow of God in the zone. i rmbr last year we were sharing our new year resolutions in december, i shared that this year i want to move in the Spirit even more. that it'll be the year of the Spirit. and den justin and bro darren this month recently shared that this year will be the year of the Spirit. really really very affirming =)
1:04 AM
Saturday, February 14, 2009
happy valentine's day!!
the romans used to have a celibration on 15th feb where as the roman soldiers got to choose a woman then they would spend the next twelve months with them and then go to the celibration again. but a lot of the soldiers fell in love and got married and did not want to go to battle. so the emperor said no soldiers could get married but the church dissagreed with this and said they would marry them if they wanted. so the emperor had the preists arrested. one of the preists was called valentine, and he was in love with the jailers daughter and he wrote her a letter and the jailer found out about this and had him clubbed to death. and at the end of his letter he wrote, from your valentine. he died on 14th feb and that is why we have valentines day. still single and waiting..
2:00 AM
haha.. a bit more spiritual post. sorry forgot the source..
Aim to be real, not nice.
Jesus didn't fit the mold of stereotypical spirituality that prizes a nice, calm, and sweet demeanor over everything else. Instead of glossing over life, He connected at a deep level with other people's triumphs and tragedies, rejoicing with them during good times and grieving with them during bad times. Jesus could be nice, but He could also be outspoken, edgy, melancholy, and fervent. He was passionately emotional, and He calls you to fully and deeply express your emotions as well -- both in joy and in pain. Experience God's passion for you and embody His passion for the world.
communication is key to life. i guess i've been oppressing this for quite some time, fearing that communicating it may lead to other things. but it didn't end up so bad. haha. was a great day man.. =)
1:08 AM
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
hihi! haha.. physics freak.. if flawed pls don't correct me, i'm not really a professor in physics..
but this is just something i thought about.. just for fun.. also to give it to my friend to consider it..
Derivation of conservation of momentum..Newton's third law states:
every force has an equal and opposite reacting force
consider two balls colliding..
B1 -------><-----------B2 +ve ----->
B1 and B2
B1 initial velocity u1
mass m1
B2 initial velocity -u2
mass m2
by Newton's second law,
force by B1 onto B2 = m1 * a1
= m1 * (-v1-u1)/t, t being the time of impact
force by B2 onto B1 = m2 * a2
= m2 * (v2-(-u2))/t
= m2 * (v2 + u2)/t
by Newton's third law,
force by B1 onto B2 = force by B2 onto B1
m1 * (-v1-u1)/t = m2 * (v2+u2)/t
-m1v1 - m1u1 = m2v2 + m2u2
-m1v1 - m2v2 = -m1u1 - m2u2
m1v1 + m2v2 = m1u1 + m2u2
(note: since momentum is a non-directional, therefore we have to use -u2 and -v1 instead of u2 and v1.)
charles farewell was good, yet tired from work. spirit willing but flesh weak.. will miss him for about 2 years.. knew him for 4 years..
to charles.hi bro. we've known each other for 4 years, and i can safely say, you're the closest friend who knows me the best, my habits and my style, the principles and attitudes i stand on. and i believe that you've really grown a lot and changed over the years.. and its amazing what God has been doing in your life. stay strong and close to God during your trip in Australia. though i may not be physically there, i'm still there relationally for you.
yours truly,
11:46 PM
Monday, February 9, 2009
this article is about
facebook..,8599,1877187,00.htmlFor anyone who wants to trim fats from their tummy =D as requested by a few people.. few websites about eyebags..
their causes: their treatment (non-medical): this is about
sleep..,8599,1812420,00.html"Studies show that people who sleep between 6.5 hr. and 7.5 hr. a night, as they report, live the longest. And people who sleep 8 hr. or more, or less than 6.5 hr., they don't live quite as long. There is just as much risk associated with sleeping too long as with sleeping too short. The big surprise is that long sleep seems to start at 8 hr. Sleeping 8.5 hr. might really be a little worse than sleeping 5 hr." (extract from,8599,1812420,00.html)
well, reason why i posted this up because last night, i slept for 14 hours, with a dinner break, supper break and a brush-teeth break in between. i can't believe myself man.. too much sleep ain't good.. tonight, i'm going to try for 7 hours of sleep =) no more, no less. healthier..
reason for sleeping so much? the night before, i came home at 2 am.. slept at 3am and woke up at 8.. 5 hours sleep. not too bad, but felt not used to it, cuz i'm used to 8 hours of sleep haha.. so i thought i better make up for it and sleep more last night. but i didn't expect so much! hahaha.
2 groups of people i want to specially raise up today here on my blog..
Birthdays!!Happy birthday to Janet, Jamie and Lisa! =D
Janet - 4th Feb (but celebrated on 30th Jan)
Jamie - 10th Feb (but celebrated on 6th Feb)
Lisa - 7th Feb =)
Janet - I knew her 6 months into JC. but its not in JC where i met her. its surprising how i met her. our fathers were colleagues, and we had to attend this prize presentation ceremony, and that's where. i think its beside the SAF Yacht Club wor. i'm really glad i met her though. haha. the first thing about her that caught my eye was her pink ankle socks.. wore together with her SAJC school uniform. haha and we talked from then.. den she invited me to come to church and that's how it all started =)
Jamie - Pretty and miss glamourous. haha. dancer too, and really good one. my ex-cellgroup member, E348, always had cell group in her house wor.. and always willing to help =)
Lisa - Outgoing and sensitive. also very interesting. i first met her in start of 2007, when i first enlisted into army. she is someone who is very direct, straight to the point de. and yet, she is also sensitive to others. good combo. also pretty and cute. =) good at latin dance, and very good with make-ups, i'm really glad to meet her. though we had our ups and downs, i'm glad we're still friends. =)
second group of people is...
Choir Auditions!Congrats to all who got through the choir auditions =)) happy for you guys =D
Congrats to Maria and Lisa getting into alto =DD
Congrats Benedict, Kelvin and Jingwei too! =)
Can't wait to attend my first choir practise.. its suppose to be tmr but tmr i got cgc training.. so have to go for the next one.. its a tradeoff, and i hope it'll be good =) anyway, vanessa, francis, gab, wendy and maria also skipping the former for the later... so i'm not alone. but i believe its gonna be fun! =) tmr dinner with vanessa and wendy before the training can chit chat somemore.. today after pm talked quite a bit and chit chat. tmr somemore ya? =)
8:46 AM
Friday, February 6, 2009
hi all! like my new blogskin? i'm lovin' it, yea! many thanks goes to enex from blogskin who contributed this skin =)
let's see.. what to blog on my first post on this new blogskin? =D
how about interesting things i found online? =)
Light, Heat and God
Darkness is nothing but a absence of light. You can measure intensity of the light to infinity but can you do the same for darkness? Cold is nothing but absence of heat. Heat can be measured to infinity but cold maintains a steady value at a certain degree. Absolute zero (-460 F) is the total absence of heat; and all matter becomes inert and incapable of reaction at that temperature. It was proclaimed that Albert Einstein said: "Evil does not exist, or at least it does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of God. It is just like darkness and cold, a word that man has created to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart. It's like the cold that comes when there is no heat, or the darkness that comes when there is no light."
( Interesting Facts | Science Facts )
i don't know which is which, but apparently, in one of the science/religion tales, this is actually a rebuttal by a student to a atheist professor regarding,
if God is good, why is there evil in this world? way cool...
hmmm i'm considering changing my laptop ram from a 512mB to a
1GB ram.. for 99 dollars.. and getting a 12-cell battery for my laptop.. my laptop ain't so bad after all..
actually i wanted to change my laptop at the upcoming
IT fair.. 12-15 March. geek-ville. =) cuz my laptop is 3 years old already and it gives me problem with the internet. but after my dad helped me troubleshoot, i found out that the problem was with my Norton Internet Security. So we solved the problem, and now, all i have to do is to make my com faster, and its as good as new =)
Been working as "Customer Service Officer" aka LTA ambassador for 1 week plus already. quite fun. i learnt patience. heehee. and dealing with different kinds of people taught me a lot. i'm glad i've got the job. =) thanks to my old sec sch friend, whom i doubt will read this. but anyway,
thanks prash! =Dmy colleagues are the funnest bunch of people!!
love them to bits! i won't trade them for the world man. they cool. =D gives some life to my otherwise boring job. =))
*of my lifetime of rejects, i finally made it through an audition. my first audition that i wasn't sure that i was going to make it, and i did! =) i haven't feel its impact, but its really significant to me. amazing... my first breakthrough of 2009 =D
9:34 PM