Sunday, July 26, 2009
New blogskin + updates + mission trip part 1

I know its been such a long time since the last update.. been ignoring my blog for a while.. do continue to read my blog and look fwd to updates ya? =)
how do you like my blogskin? i just change it because it was quite hard to navigate in the previous skin. had to click on so many words. so i thot to myself, why not i just have a simple one where i can see the all my tags, my posts, my links, and even play music, all on the same page. so here it is. how's it? do you like it? =) I love it lots! =) theme : musique. cuz i love music!
oh one new function i added on this skin is the hit count. so i can see how many people actually visits my site. =) so cool right. yes it is. and now i can see how many people actually visits my site in a day =)
Recent eventsDown with fever flu cough and muscle ache
i missed decentralized service and SOT because of this. sian. but i used the time to play my violin and guitar. improved quite a lot. =) now i can play pop songs on guitar! and violin, heal the world, last christmas etc =) got to practise more =D there is a song that i wanna play with anxian. let it remain a secret. =D
Mckayla Birthday 12 July 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY McKayla!!! you brought so much joy, without saying a word, to the whole of SOT batch 15 and everyone around you. You are going to become a great influence in society and in the life of the people around you, you bring joy. love you lots! =) happy birthday

to dom, issac. congrats for having such a lovely daughter! =) and great party too! great fellowship =D
i missed the games and the performance, but most of all, i missed mckayla lots! (pun intended) haha. but den i got to see her that day =) really cute and fun =D
played and fellowship is all we did. played and fellowship. balloons have never been so fun to play with lol. was a super fun party!! glad i rushed down for it =)

Dinner with Anxian
Had a great dinner with anxian. we talked about a lot a lot of things!! haha super fun to go out with him =) let's do it man! go out again soon =)
Val's 21st birthday party

hey val. happy 21st birthday. i knew you for about 3 years already, and you've grown so much. prettier and everything. i believe as we each take turn to pass this milestone, this is not a sign of achievement, but a sign of the things to come. i believe greater things are ahead of you. =) *sings for val* "greater things have yet to come. greater things are still to be done" can't wait to see the things that God has installed for us! =)
had lots of fun at your party. scooting la, or just talking and taking photos.

after a while, it got crazy. and it was about time we left. fellowship was great. =D

DING NENG!! you're BACK!! =D

pity i came late, cuz else i'd had more fun, but glad to be there =) thanks for the great party val. =)
Interlude - Random Chattersunday went watch harry potter with vann and marilyn and jon goh. disappointed with the movie.

am a great harry potter fan. ending too abrupt. but some people haven't watch yet. recommended to watch. i believe its the key to the success of the next part of the sequel. =D
cell grp message is on the series of "becoming a ________ christian"
Contagious(funny, that this is just during the H1N1 saga), Shocking and recently, Sustainable
I just hope that we will be able to apply what we've learnt instead of just hearing and doing nothing about it. else it may as well be a waste of time to come if we do not apply what we have learnt. i feel challenged. yes, no matter what comes against me. still I will hold on to my convictions. and apply the supernatural and natural into my life. =)
taken from Val's MacBook on the way to church from cell grp. everyone shld get a macbook ;) haha. i'm a mac supporter so don't mind me.

pic of the day in cg, our new friend mr bear. lol.

as you notice from the above pic, my hair is dyed brown, and trimmed. from black. for only 20+ dollars by the cousin of David Gan. haha. Auntie Irene. nice right. i likee.. =)
Pst Jeffrey from JPCC came to our church leader's meeting to preach. Talk about the different kinds of leadership. i feel so inspired. there is an impartation on that day. not just head knowledge or skills. i understand what i have to do already =) i have to inspire people. leaders inspire rather than drive. i have to inspire so that people will follow, and not the other way round.
performance practice was looooong! 3 hrs of standing with a 5 min break. tiring. went home with a fun grp of people. hahaha. don't know what we were talking about also, something about leg hair or something, but it was super hilarious! =D
had bs with jon ong on thursday. was great!! =D had lots of practical steps that we can take to build relationships/friendships with each other =D i also learnt a lot in teaching too. =)
BS with jon goh was awesome too! a lot of impartation! =D so glad there was a flow there. =) hope he'll revise though, else quite wasted.. =) can't wait for next lesson with him, where we'll do PnW before the lesson. =D
Met santy, weng lok and friends in church after the bs by chance. got to take photo with the super pretty santy =) and friends gave me a super cute sweet in a shape of a bear. take a look.

been scooting around on a scooter that aaryn lent me. =D its fast, its easy to set up and bring around, and its safe. =) so why not. haha fun, especially the down hill parts.

preaching test was on wednesday and thursday. take a look below. =) {yes we can!}

ytd after service taught sign language to a lady. from Philippines. she's really pretty =D and she's in my sign language class but she missed a few lessons so made up for her. gonna see her tmr! hahaha. hopefully. can't wait for sign language class tmr, to see teacher wee wee again. =)
had grad rehearsal after that. i role played as pastor. cool sia. shake all the graduating student's hands, giving them the cert etc. super fun. but ended at 11pm at expo. so can imagine how late i reach home. but at least got a few friends to accompany me. haha. what was said on the train home is confidential man. hahaha.
ok back to the recent events.
Uni registrationi am officially a NUS freshie. old birds come eat my flesh and drink my blood. not literally. hahaa. went through queue for 45 min just for 3 min of admin. and den went to explore the cca booth. *you want to tap your card here?* *you want to leave your email here and we can ask you for welcome tea?* plsss... just leave us alone.. we will approach you if we are interested. phlish. ok ok i know they're just doing their job to promote their cca, but it just got so irritating! haha. but saw a few familiar faces there =) so it ain't that bad =D
Debbie's Farewell
my beloved friend of 6 years.. =) going to aussie to the down and under land of the south for 3 years to study. oh man going to miss her sunshine she adds to the cg. not going to see her until next year, where we'll probably take a domestic flight from brisbane to melbourne to visit her. =) can't be there to send her off, but i'll be there in spirit. =D

we went to pasta fresca to eat. =) den we played a game called big fish small fish. haha kelvin lost in the end, and kena the forfeit of eating a slice of lemon. haha. before and after pic. classic.

afterwhich we went to eski bar and got high! hahaha met a few quite tipsy ang moh there.. sofyan at abt the end of our party and we all left. lots of pics with debbie =) was super fun party!!! =D farewell debbie! see u next year if God permits. =)
see you soon my friend.
TODAYserved choir in the morning. =) ALmost overslept. hahaha last night slept at 4am watching comedy. man. was a recharging night =)
tidied up my room, and set up my sound system! extra bass! extra sound! =) super cool! love playing stuff from this setup!!! =D just now i played "Am I Not Pretty Enough" By Kasey Chambers, and it sounds super nice over the system!! =) hahaha. yess!! here is a photo of the fruit of my labour. notice the minimal wires and things on my table. also notice the sub woofer under the table and the two speakers at the side. center is my laptop. =) all wires and accessories all hidden out of sight! =) btw, i used deodorant to clean my whiteboard that's why its so white lol

just talked to my dad about getting an air con for my room, and he's open to it, as long as i pay for it lol. we'll see abt that =D the room is only 10% done. lots more to do! can't wait to do a massive makeover for my room!! what potential this room has weeeeee...
OK! So now its time to blog about my mission trip!
****PART 1**** (*photos are from ronaldo and kenneth, from facebook)
I went for a mission trip with 12 other zone people including DT. =) We went from the 26th June to 30th June to an awesome church called GPdI Elohim. It is at Sidoarjo, Surabaya. Great place, great people.
Morning. yawns. wake up super early just to catch the first train down. waiting at the airport checking in our luggage. haha. super funny commotion, though i vaguely remember, because super early, and i was super sleepy.

On the way there, we wore masks. on the plane where no one else was wearing except us. it was the starting point of our journey, and we do not want anything to happen that will waste our trip over to Indonesia.

It was a 2 hour flight south to Indonesia, and the flight was super boring. No in-flight entertainment system. but it was a time when some of us prepared our sermons on the plane. Personally, for me, I was kind of fine-tuning the drama stuff as we were performing kind of a mime for the church there.

we did 2 mimes in total. one is on the prodigal son (or the way i pronounce it, portugal son. inside joke =D ), the other is on blind Bartimaeus (or the blind Barty). We did the first one once, and the second one twice. Gab, Issac, they are great actors man!! =) and Jamie!!! she can dance man! =D yep, her dance was part of the drama in the prodigal son, when the child goes galavanting.
anyway, we got down from the flight with superb hospitality! the church people immediately picked us up from the airport and offered to carry all our luggages up two cars. Its amazing how 14 people, luggages included, can squeeze into 2 SUV. =D It was an amazing journey to GPdI Elohim. We got to see the sights and sounds of Indonesia. =D

initial briefing by the local pastor, Pastor Raymond. He is a super cool pastor, and singer. he produces his own album! how amazing is that! =D he's the one on the left-most of the below picture. =D

The food at indonesia was superb. I had the chance to try out many different kinds of food. Panda special (which is cheese with fried rice), milo soyabean (soyabean milk mixed with milo) and happy soda (rose syrup, milk and soda). the food was super nice. just thinking about it wets my appetite. they make normal food taste good. even their MacDonald chicken is nice! =)

To Be Continued.... Stay Tuned! =D
11:30 PM
Saturday, July 4, 2009
indeed how helpless man is.
no matter how far advance in technology, we still cannot contain the evolution of bacteria, viruses, sickness.
First is SARS,
Then is Avian Flu
Now Swine Flu. (swine flu has been around for quite a while already. check out
wikipedia man..)
I'm down with a fever last night of temperature 38 degrees, and dry cough. today my temperature has gone down, but my cough is still there..
so i'm "grounded" at home.. i can take this chance to catch up with my reading, practise my violin and play my guitar =) and blog! =)
i dun noe why... i can't upload photos.. i tried to but couldn't.. nvm dun care.. for now.. going back to sleep..
10:58 AM